I have always had a love/hate relationship with butternut squash, making it both my friend, and my enemy.
I obviously LOVE the taste and flavor of butternut squash. It's golden color and earthy sweetness pairs perfectly with any fall meal.
So, what is there to hate?
Well, after every contact with this wonderful vegetable I am always left saying "What did it do to my hands?" After each peeling and chopping session my hands are coated with an orange, dry residue that itches! Multiple hand washings does not persuade the residue to disappear. Rather, it hangs on for hours! I have never heard anyone else complain about this issue and just assumed it was individual to me. But, when I found myself avoiding butternut squash this fall (because I dreaded peeling and chopping it) I decided to get to the bottom of the problem.

Through a little internet research, I found that the common suggestion from those who have had my experience was to wear latex gloves while preparing butternut squash. Although this made me feel like a cafeteria worker in my own kitchen, I thought it was worth a try to save my relationship with this delicious veggie. I purchased latex free gloves (with no powder) that were tight fitting. It felt strange wearing gloves while peeling and chopping the squash, but the results were well worth it! I had NO reaction.
I have since reconciled my differences with the squash (well, the squash made no compromises, this is truly a one way relationship) and fell in love with it all over again.
Well said.